Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion topic for week 1

Discussion topic for week 1

Q In this discussion topic, your response to this discussion is due by this week Friday at midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST). You are also asked to respond to at least one other student in the class on his or her response. Your response to your fellow student is due by this week Sunday at midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST). WRTG 393 students, To begin the course, we will examine definitions of technical writing. In Content for week 1, the first set of resources available to you is titled What is Technical Writing? Included in that list of resources is a link to the Society for Technical Communications (STC) and access to chapter 1 of a textbook, Technical Writing for Business People. Based on the information in these resources, please answer the following questions: 1. What writing have you done at work or in your community that you think could be labelled technical writing? Why do you think it can be labelled technical writing? Please describe the writing situation and draw upon the information in either the website from STC or chapter 1 of the textbook to illustrate why it would be technical writing. 2. Do technical writing tasks have to involve technical subjects? Why or why not? 3. How is technical writing different from writing an essay? Please note that you will not be able to see other students' responses to this discussion topic until you post your response.

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1. Yes, I have written documents, which could be labelled as "technical writing" for my community. The community housing complex I live arranges meeting on interval of week. During these meetings, I mainly plan agenda of meeting and also note down decisions taken in meeting for community members, who were absent in the meeting. I think this should be considered as technical writing because along with include a wide range of documents and set of information, these written memos also include particular information to be shared. 2. Technical writing is a kind of writing or drafting, that is mainly used in technical field. This is actually practice of documenting processes, which include manuals or instructional information for the sake of conveying the whole idea to the audience.